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'World of Paper' 2-Day Live Weekend Workshop

A profound inter-cultural storytelling, educational & therapeutic tool.

Workshop Summary

We are offering a LIVE two-day 'World of Paper' workshop, the venue for which will be confirmed when enough interested participants register!

This professional development workshop is aimed at Educators, Therapists, Artists and Community Leaders.

The workshop is a mindfulness practice, that uses the media of brown paper and everyday found objects, as tools to sharpen focus and become more present in the moment. This simple practice can be done by anyone, anywhere, and requires nothing more than a sheet of paper, some objects and a willingness to engage in 'play'.

Gary Friedman

Gary Friedman

Gary Friedman is a puppeteer, animator and film-maker, who initially developed international adult-education puppetry and film projects based on HIV- AIDS, Democracy, Corruption, Abuse and Prisons work starting in the eighties. 

Brought up in Apartheid South Africa, Friedman unleashed his puppets on the streets in Cape Town, to take on the regime’s harsh suppression in 1980. ‘Puns en Doedie’ (Puppets Against Apartheid) used satire to reflect the news and views of the people on the streets.

In 1987, Friedman studied ‘Puppetry for Film and Television’, with Muppet-master Jim Henson.  After many years of producing ‘Puppets Against Aids’ internationally, Friedman co-produced a voter education television series for South African’s first democratic election in 1994. 

In 2001, Friedman took up residency in Australia and became an international Puppetry-in-Education consultant, while at the same time producing documentary and stop-motion animation films. Today he teaches puppetry and stop-motion animation at schools and universities around the world and in-between, creates short stop-motion films in his studio in Melbourne.

As a recent convert to Stop-Motion, after working for fifty years in the world of puppetry, Friedman discovered the links between the two arts fascinating and extraordinary. The vital roles of breath and performing without human language, as well as using humour to tackle socio-political issues have always been the signature elements of his work. 

Workshop Detail, Outcomes & Feedback

Participants Feedback

Arancha, Learning Specialist

American School of Bilbao, Spain

‘‘How powerful it is to reach into your subconscious and somehow to extract the personality out of a lifeless being and give it life...  It’ s not just the happiness you feel.. You feel like being somebody else doing something you’ve never done - creating a new parallel world."

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